Lincad demonstrates company values by supplying engineering expertise, free of charge

The Lightning Association, a voluntary and self-funded organisation established to restore and preserve Lightning aircraft retired from RAF service, recently approached Lincad for a charging solution for their XR724 aircraft battery electrical starter trolley.
The batteries within the trolley urgently needed charging to prevent deterioration but, with financial constraints, the Lightning Association was seeking a cost-effective solution to support the programme. Lincad were delighted to assist as part of their company values and corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme
The Association was established in 1988 and acquired the XR724, the last complete Lightning, in 1991. Based at RAF Binbrook, a new aircraft shelter was built this summer and members of the Association continue to raise funding for additional maintenance equipment with the help of a GoFundMe page
Peter Slade, Joint Managing Director at Lincad, said “Lincad’s history is based in the development of battery and charging solutions for the UK Ministry of Defence and so this approach from the Lightning Association piqued our interest. Maintaining legacy equipment can be a real challenge and therefore we were keen to offer our support. For such a worthy course, we were happy to supply our engineering expertise free of charge. We look forward to seeing the future development of the XR724 aircraft through the dedication and enthusiasm of the team at the Association.”
A delighted Jon Dean, member of the Lightning Association team, added “In the restoration of our English Electric Lightning, XR724, we needed ground electrical power to assist with testing and eventual engine running. We bought an MOD surplus 28V trolley accumulator, alas without a charger. After an optimistic email to Lincad to ask for a low cost or used solution, we couldn’t have wished for more – professional, courteous and very keen to help us in our quest to resurrect a classic British Jet Fighter! Mike Hendey couldn’t have done any more, and, after taking delivery, we are incredibly thankful to Lincad for their generosity with this kind addition to our ground support equipment. Thank you all!”