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Looking For Trusted Companies That Supply Lithium ION Batteries?

Our lithium ION batteries have the power to make your devices brighter, faster, longer lasting and more reliable. 

Whether you need batteries for use in POS (point of sale) devices, for military machines or medical equipment, Lincad custom batteries are ideal for companies across a range of industries. Our background lies in servicing military batteries, but we also focus on the design and manufacture of batteries where a military-grade performance is needed.

We manufacture heavy-duty lithium ion batteries for use in even the most demanding environments. The key industries we cover include:

  • Defence and security. With Lincad, you’ll benefit from the latest in battery technology for mission critical applications. Whether you need batteries for handheld radios, CCTV cameras or a ROV, we have the skills and experience to produce the finest bespoke designs.
  • Medical and healthcare. We appreciate this is an industry where the reliability and safety of power management solutions are crucial.  Our team can produce batteries for a wide range of applications in this market sector.
  • Retail and hospitality. Our batteries are ideal for keeping POS devices operating for longer.
  • Robotics and ROV (remote operated vehicles), including those used in the toughest environments.

As a company committed to sustainability, we’ve introduced several measures to reduce our carbon footprint, including the installation of a 50kW solar PV system and electric charging points in our car park.

If you’re looking for a company that produce powerful lithium ion batteries, find out more about Lincad. Or contact our team for more information.